Tuesday, July 8, 2014

8 Point Buck in Velvet

As a good part of my exercise program, I like to go on nature walks. I can't stand doing laps anymore, or care about beating a time standard, but I do enjoy just going out in the fresh air for an hour or more and keeping my eyes and ears open. Yesterday, as I was stumbling out of a wooded trail, probably swatting mosquitoes in a low blood state, I quite literally almost fell over this gal just as I hit the clearing. As she was busy getting a whiff of my smelly self, I calmly reached into my pocket and pulled out my little point and shoot camera for some up close and personal portraits before she slowly wandered off to her deer framly.

Eight 8 point buck in velvetThis morning, in a different location. (A Milwaukee County Park), I caught glimpse of this deer. "Oh, another deer" I thought, so I pulled out my point and shoot once again and took a snap shot.  Wanting to see how close I could get, I quietly started to talk to her and when I reached the breaking point, she split.

THEN, I saw what I really had in hand! An eight point buck in full velvet! 

Eight 8 point buck in velvet

Eight 8 point buck in velvet

I had pulled out my Canon DSLR with 400mm telephoto now, but kept taking to him, slowly following his trail. I finally got to within probably 40 yards when I took this final photo before he split for good. A trophy photo suitable for framing.

Eight 8 point buck in velvet

Eight 8 point buck in velvet

Eight 8 point buck in velvet

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